January 29, 2019
By LG Nixon As a pet owner, many of us can attest the fact our dogs, and pets in general, can help boost our moods or help us feel less stressed with their special brand of craziness to make us smile. However, PTSD can drain the happiness from even the most stoic soldier. Post-traumatic Stress […]
August 7, 2018
by LG Nixon Recently, the FDA released a warning to inform pet owners of the potential dangers of feeding a grain-free diet sourced mainly from peas, pea starch, potatoes and legumes as the leading main ingredients. The FDA has received numerous reports from veterinary professionals and from pet owners regarding the condition known as Canine […]
July 30, 2018
Dogs need a leader. If you don’t provide them with one they will assume they need to be the leader and that posi-tion is very stressful for them since they are trying to lead humans that don’t speak dog. Dogs do what works so be careful what you reward. If they whine at the door […]
June 18, 2018
by LG Nixon Most of us try to maintain a healthy lifestyle which includes eating healthy, getting regular exercise and interacting with friends to keep our minds and spirits sharp. Whether it is a personal goal, or for health related issues such as food allergies or disease, many of us actively seek alternative choices for […]
May 21, 2018
by LG Nixon The weather has finally warmed up, a brilliant sun hangs suspended in a vivid blue sky, and an unfamiliar ribbon of road just beckons to be explored. Before you hit the open road, or run a few errands around town, we would like you to check the warm weather precautions below if […]
April 9, 2018
by L G Nixon Last month we discussed traveling with Fido and Meow-man, which naturally led me to thinking about pet emergencies. They can come out of the blue when you least expect it, so you need to be ready to seek medical attention for your four-legged family member. Let’s look at some options for […]
March 19, 2018
by LG Nixon Spring is in the air! Well, sort of. That dusting of snow we had this morning might say otherwise, but the travel maps residing on my husbands desk prove spring isn’t far away. Here are a few tips which you might find useful for vacation traveling with your four-legged family members. […]
February 12, 2018
by LG Nixon We love our pets, and they seem to love us in return. Still, people often wonder if animals experience emotions similar to humans. For those of us who have pets, we tend to roll our eyes and say, “Well, duh!” I have been blessed to share my life with several Boxer dogs […]
January 8, 2018
by LG Nixon Baby, it’s cold outside! Winter has arrived in all its splendor with plenty of the white frozen concoction covering the ground enticing us to come out to play. Whether you and your pet spend a little or a lot of time outdoors, here are a few things to consider to keep your […]
December 19, 2017
It’s still not too late to pickup a gift for your best buddy. Just think how excited your best buddy and companion will be on Christmas morning to receive their very own special gift. But before you go running out to the pet store to purchase an item, let’s consider safety first. While dogs are […]