Vet Tips & Pet Tricks


November 28, 2017



Holiday Tips for Pet Safety

The holidays are here and time to gather with family and friends. In the midst of all the merriment, don’t
forget to make plans for your pets health and well being. Here are a few suggestions to make everyone’s
holiday celebrations a little easier, and safer for all.

Be aware of toxic foods.

Think “people food” is people only. Please don’t feed table scraps or sneak
treats to your pets. Many holiday foods are high in fat and sodium, and may contain such things as
onions, garlic, macadamia nuts, raisins or grapes. These food items are very toxic for pets. Avoid all
chocolate as it can make your pet sick or lead to serious health emergencies.

Xylitol, used in many candies and gum, is very toxic to pets. Chicken or turkey bones may cause
obstructions, and hard candy is a choking hazard. Wine, eggnog and other alcoholic drinks should
always be kept away from your pets. It is also a good idea to inform children and guests to not feed
people food to your pets. For further information, go to or

Create a safe zone for your pets during parties.

While parties are fun for you and your guests, some pets may become stressed and overstimulated. Create a safe zone for your pets by choosing a quiet location away from the festivities. It should include fresh water, their pet bed for sleeping, and perhaps a
favorite toy. Soft instrumental music can create a peaceful environment for your pet. A pheromone
mimicking spray can calm your pet. Brands like Comfort Zone, is available in both dog and cat
formulas. Before guests arrive, feed your pets to reduce temptation to beg for treats, and provide
exercise and the opportunity for bathroom duties to reduce the need to go outside. If your home will be
teeming with activity, your pet could accidentally get lost by sneaking out open doors. By providing a
safe, secure zone that is off-limits to children and guests, your pets will be safe and you will have peace
of mind.

Decorate with care.

Get your festive holiday decor on by choosing your decorations with care. If
ingested, tinsel can cause obstructions and may require surgery. Place tinsel, garlands and fragile
ornaments out of reach, leaving lower branches unadorned. Strands of lights should be firmly attached to
the branches or placed out of reach so your pet doesn’t become entangled or enticed to chew on the dangling cords. If your cat is a climber, anchor the tree to the wall or place it in a corner to prevent a fall.  Using tin foil around the base could discourage feline adventures as some cats will not walk on the foil.
Snow globes should be placed out of harms way. Older versions may contain antifreeze which smells
sweet but is deadly to pets in any amount. For more pet safety ideas, check

Some holiday plants are deadly beautiful.

Classic holiday plants used as holiday decorations include
poinsettias, amaryllis, mistletoe and holly. These are very toxic and should be placed out of reach of
your pets. If you decorate with a live tree, remember pine needles can cause severe stomach upset
including puncture or blockage of the intestines. Keep the area around and under the tree clear of fallen
needles. Cover the water basin as toxins in sap and fertilizer can leach into the water and can be harmful
if ingested. Seek immediate medical attention if you think your pet may have consumed something
toxic. Always have your veterinarian’s number handy and know the location of the nearest pet
emergency hospital.

These are but a few suggestions for your holiday enjoyment. For further ideas, and medical advice,
please check out the referenced websites or go online for more information.

Happy Holidays from K9 Camo Companions!


by L Nixon